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Generate report of figures from TAMM file


  tamm.path = getwd(),
  clean = TRUE,
  overwrite = TRUE,
  additional.children = NULL, = NULL


Name of tamm file (including .xlsx suffix). Character atomic


Absolute path to directory containing the tamm file. here::here() can be useful in identifying appropriate path. Character atomic; defaults to current working directory.


Should the intermediate .qmd files used to make the report be deleted afterwards? Logical, defaults to TRUE. Set to FALSE to explore the .qmd files underlying the report.


Should the intermediate .qmd files or the final report be overwritten if those files already exist?; Logical, defaults to TRUE.


Optional argument with filepath(s) to additional quarto child documents (see Details). Defaults to NULL.

Optional argument with filepath(s) to additional files needed by additional quarto documents. Files will be copied into the same directory as the TAMM for easy reading/use by additional.children quarto files, and then deleted after the report is generated




This function generates a summary report of a single chinook TAMM (Terminal Area Management Module) file. The common use case is to call this function for a tamm, and then view the resulting html report (which will be generated in the same folder as the TAMM). However, this function also provides substantial flexibility in the form of optional user-created child quarto documents, which requires some additional context to develop and use.

tamm_report is implemented using a parameterized quarto report and a child quarto document, which are included in the package. The resulting report includes some broadly useful content – currently, a replication of the overview TAMM sheet and bar charts showing the breakdown of exploitation rates by fishery for each stock listed in the limiting stock complete TAMM sheet. However, individuals or organizations may consistently want additional, specific visualizations based on their own needs. For example, individual tribes may want to visualize impacts on a single stock, but use AEQ instead of ER rates. The tamm_report function is designed to integrate these extra components with the additional.children argument.

The basic principle is that the individual or group can write a reusable "child" .qmd file, see this explanation using Rmarkdown), which will effectively be inserted into the main report. As an example, we might create a simple additional child .qmd file called extra-tamm-child.qmd to include a small table summarizing a few key aspects of the Nooksack Earlies stock. The contents of that file are provided in the example below.

When we call tamm_report(), we can include as an argument additional.children = with the file name (including file path) for our new file. In this way we can easily include this extra content any time we create a tamm report. If desired, multiple child files can be created, and additional.children can take a character vector with each child file name.

When writing child documents, formatting and chunks work akin to copy-pasting a section of a quarto file out of the main file. (To easily access the main quarto file, run tamm_report() with clean = FALSE, which will leave tamm-visualizer.qmd and tamm-visualizer-child.qmd files in the folder with the TAMM file). The child document will have access to key objects

  • dat.all: the output of read_limiting_stock with longform = TRUE called on the TAMM;

  • dat.overview: the output of of read_overview called on the TAMM;

  • and dat: the specific filtered and formatted version of the limiting stock data generated in the limiting stock tab chunk of tamm-visualizer.qmd and used in generating the unmarked natural stock exploitation rate figures. When developing a child document, it may be useful to create in the working environment versions of dat.all and dat.overview from an example TAMM to facilitate writing appropriate filters, plot-making code, etc. The primary quarto report loads in the tidyverse, framrsquared, kableExtra, and TAMMsupport packages, but you can include additional packages for the child documents as needed by adding library(packagename calls just like in any other context.

If the additional.children files need to read contents of additional files (or call children .qmd files of their own to streamline looping over stocks or fisheries), the file paths to these supplemental files can be provided in the files argument. These files will be copied into the same folder as the .qmd files, so the children quarto files can be written to access the supplemental files without dealing with file paths.

For questions/support in developing child documents to extend the report, contact Collin Edwards at WDFW.
